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Home Page / الأقســام / العراق والكويت، الجذور ... الغزو ... التحرير / معركة الخفجي (29 ـ 31 يناير 1991)

الهجوم العراقي على الخفجي
الإغارة على مدينة الخفجي
القوات المشتركة في 18 أغسطس 1990
القوات المشتركة في يناير 1990
تحرير مدينة الخفجي
قطع الطريق إلى الخفجي

القوات العراقية في 16 يناير 1990



النص الإنجليزي

للتقرير الصادر عن مركز قيادة القوات المركزية الأمريكية

عن معركة الخفجي

المرفق بتقرير مدير مركز عمليات القوات المشتركة

إلى قائد القوات المشتركة ومسرح العمليات

·         During the Battle of Khafji, 29-30 January 1991. U.S. forces supported Joint Forces Command East (JFC-E) by providing U.S. Marine ANGLICO teams to the 8th Bde and Qatar forces.

·         These ANGLICO teams assisted by requesting and controlling close Air Support (CAS) and Attack Helicopter assists which were used against the attacking Iraqi forces.

·         In addition, 12 U.S. Marines from a Recon Platoon were in the city at the time an Iraqi Mechanized Inf Battalion captured the northern portion Khafji, and were cut-off from escape. The Marines immediately found a secure area and established radio communications with I MEF.

·         JFC-E planned a rescue mission for the night of the 29 January, and made radio contact with the Marines in the city. However, the two elements were unable to link-up put did maintain communications throughout the rest of the night.

·         At down on January, JFC-E attacked the city with forces of the 8th Bde and Qatar forces securing the western flank and blocking the northern highway to proven escpe by the Iraqi forces, while the 2d SANG Bde conducted the clearing and securing missing within the city.

·        By the afternoon of 30 January, JFC-E forces controlled the city of Khafji and the 12 U.S. Marines were able to withdraw from the city and rejoin their unit.