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النص الإنجليزي

لخطة السلام السوفيتية

في 22 فبراير 1991

Moscow Peace Plan of 22 February 1991

     President Mikhail Gorbachev's spokesman Vitaly Ignatenko outlined eight points which he said Iraq and the Soviet Union had agreed as a possible basis for resolution of the Gulf war.

1.       Iraq announces a complete and unconditional withdrawal of its forces from Kuwait.

2.       Withdrawal begins on the day after cessation of hostilities.

3.       The withdrawal of forces takes place in a fixed timeframe.

4.       After withdrawal of two-thirds of all Iraqi forces from Kuwait the economic sanctions imposed by the United Nations are lifted.

5.       At the end of the withdrawal all UN resolutions against Iraq become invalid.

6.       Directly after a cease-fire all prisoners of war should be released.

7.       The withdrawal of forces should be monitored by countries not involved in the conflict and under the auspices of the UN Security Council.

8.       Work on finalizing details continues. The Security Council will be informed of the outcome on Friday.

(Indian Express, 23 February 1991)