إرشادات مقترحات البحث معلومات خط الزمن الفهارس الخرائط الصور الوثائق الأقسام

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Home Page / الأقســام / موضوعات سياسية عسكرية / الصراع في جنوبي السودان

موقع منطقة إبيي
المناطق الحدودية المختلف حولها

مناطق النفط جنوب السودان
أماكن معسكرات الفصائل
الموقع الجغرافي للسودان
التوزيع القبلي
التقسيم الإداري للسودان
التقسيم الإداري لجنوب السودان
تضاريس السودان
قناة جونجلي


The Comprehensive Peace



The Government of The Republic

of The Sudan


The Sudan People’s Liberation

Movement/Sudan People’s

Liberation Army




List of Abbreviations:                                                                                              




Chapter I:                   The Machakos Protocol                      


Chapter II:                 Power Sharing                                    


Chapter III:                Wealth Sharing                                    


Chapter IV:                The Resolution of the Abyei Conflict


Chapter V:                  The Resolution of the Conflict in the Two States of Southern                   Kordofan and Blue Nile      


Chapter VI:                Security Arrangements                


Annexure I:                Permanent Ceasefire and Security Arrangements                      Implementation Modalities and its Appendices


Annexure II.               Implementation Modalities and Global Implementation Matrix and its Appendices                        


List of Corrections    




AA                         Abyei Area

AAC                      Abyei Area Council

AASC                    Abyei Area Security Committee

ABC                      Abyei Boundaries Commission

A/C                        Account

ACHPR                 International Charter on Human and Peoples Rights

AEC                      Assessment and Evaluation Commission

AJMC                    Area Joint Military Committee

ARC                      Abyei Referendum Commission

ASAs                     Agreement on Security Arrangements

AU                         African Union

Bde Hqs                 Brigade Headquarters

BGR                      Bahr El Ghazal Region

BNL                      Bicameral National Legislature

BOD                      Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Sudan

BOSS                    Bank of Southern Sudan

BRA                      Banking Regulatory Act

CAA                      Chief Administrator for Abyei

CA                         Courts of Appeal

CBOS                    Central Bank of Sudan

CC                         Constitutional Court

CCA                      Comprehensive Ceasefire Agreement

CFA                      Ceasefire Agreement

CFM                      Ceasefire Modalities

CID                       Criminal Investigation Department 

CJMC                    Ceasefire Joint Military Committee

CPA                      Comprehensive Peace Agreement

CPC                      Ceasefire Political Commission

CPMT                   Civilian Protection Monitoring Team

CRC                      Convention on the Rights of the Child

CS                         Civil Service

CSR                       Convention on Status of Refugees

CSS                       Constitution of Southern Sudan

DD                         D-Day

DDR                      Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration

DDRR                    Demobilization, Disarmament, Re-Integration and Reconciliation

DG                         Deputy Governor

DOP                      (IGAD) Declaration of Principles         

EC                         Electoral Commission

EC                         Executive Council

ECM                      Executive Council of Ministers

FFAMC                 Fiscal and Financial Allocation and Monitoring Commission

FOB                      Free on Board

FX                         Foreign Exchange

GONU/GNU         Government of National Unity

GOS                      Government of the Republic of Sudan/Government of Sudan

GOSS                    Government of Southern Sudan

GST                       General Sales Tax

HDI                       Human Development Index

HQ                                    Headquarters

HRC                      Human Rights Commission

ICRC                     International Committee of the Red Cross

ID                          Identity Card

IDPs                      Internally Displaced Persons

IGAD                     Inter-Governmental Authority on Development

IMF                       International Monetary Fund

IMS                       IGAD Member States

INC                       Interim National Constitution    

Inf. Bn.                   Infantry Battalion

IP                           Interim Period

IPF                                    IGAD Partner’s Forum

JAM                      Joint Assessment Mission

JAM CCG             Joint Assessment Mission Core Coordination Group

JDB                       Joint Defence Board

JIUs                       Joint/Integrated Units

JMC                      Joint Military Commission (for the Nuba Mountains)

JMTs                     Joint Military Teams

JNTT                     Joint National Transition Team

JSS                        Judiciary of Southern Sudan

LEC                       Local Executive Council

LG                         Local Government

LICUS                   Low Income Countries Under Stress

M-Day                   Mandate Day (UN)

MDTF                   Multi-Donor Trust Fund

MDTFs                  Multi-Donor Trust Funds

MEM                     Ministry of Energy and Mining

MIC                       Ministry of International Corporation

MOF                     Ministry of Finance

MOU                     Memorandum of Understanding

MOU-CH              Memorandum of Understanding on Cessation of Hostilities

MP                                    Machakos Protocol

NA                                    National Assembly

NAC                      National Audit Chamber

NC                                    National Capital

NCA                      National Congress Act

NCA                      National Court of Appeal

NLC                      National Liberation Council (of SPLM/A)

NCOs                    Non-Commissioned Officers

NCP                      National Congress Party

NCRC                   National Constitutional Review Commission

NSC                      National Civil Service

NCSC                   National Civil Service Commission

NCSG                   Northern Civil Society Groups

NDDRC                Northern Sudan DDR Commission

NDDRCC              National DDR Coordination Council

NE                         National Executive

NEC                      National Electoral Commission

NG                                    National Government

NGOs                    Non-governmental Organizations

NJSC                     National Judicial Service Commission

NL                         National Legislature

NLC                      National Land Commission

NLC                      National Liberation Council

NM                        Nuba Mountains 

NMDTF                National Multi-Donor Trust Fund

NPC                      National Petroleum Commission

NPCA                   National Population Census Act

NPF                       Northern Political Forces

NRDF                    National Reconstruction and Development Fund

NRF                      National Revenue Fund

NSA                      National Security Act

NSC                      National Supreme Court

NSS                       National Security Service

OAG                      Other Armed Groups

OAGs CC              Other Armed Groups Collaborative Committee

ORSA                    Oil Revenue Stabilization Account

PAEC                    Parliamentary Assessment and Evaluation Commission

PC                         Presidential Council

PCA                      Permanent Ceasefire Agreement

PIP                                    Pre-Interim Period

POW                     Prisoners of War

PSP                       Power Sharing Protocol

SA                         Security Arrangements

SAF                       Sudan Armed Forces

SC                                     State Constitution

SCM                      State Council of Ministers

SSDDRC               Southern Sudan DDR Commission

SIC                        State Interim Constitution

SJ                          State Judiciary

SK                         Southern Kordofan

SL                          State Legislature

SLC                       State Land Commission

SNAF                    Sudan National Armed Forces

SOFA                    Status of Forces Agreement

SOMA                   Status of Mission Agreement

SP                          State Police

SPF                       Southern Political Forces

SPLA                     Sudan People’s Liberation Army

SPLM                    Sudan People’s Liberation Movement

SPLM/A                Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Sudan People’s

Liberation Army

SPS                       State Police Service

SPS                       Special Administrative Status

SRS                       State Revenue Sources

SSC                       State Security Committee

SSC                       Southern Sudan Constitution

SSL                       Southern Sudan Legislature

SSL                       Southern Sudan Laws

SSLC                     Southern Sudan Land Commission

SSMDTF               Southern Sudan Multi-Donor Trust Fund

SSRDF                  Southern Sudan Reconstruction and Development Fund

SSSC                     Southern Sudan Supreme Court

UN                                    United Nations

UNAMIS               United Nations Advanced Mission in Sudan

UNDP                   United Nations Development Programme

UNDPKO             United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations

UNFPA                 United Nations Population Fund

UNHCR                United Nations High Commission/High Commissioner for


UNICEF                United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund          

VAT                      Value Added Tax

VMM                    Verification and Monitoring Team

VMT                      Verification and Monitoring Team

WB                        World Bank

WK                       Western Kordofan

WSA                     Wealth Sharing Agreement




WHEREAS the Government of the Republic of the Sudan (GOS) and the Sudan People's Liberation Movement/Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLM/A) (hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”), having met in continuous negotiations between May 2002 and December 2004, in Karen, Machakos, Nairobi, Nakuru, Nanyuki and Naivasha, Kenya, under the auspices of the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Peace Process, and, in respect of the issues related to the Conflict Areas of Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile States and Abyei Area, under the auspices of the Government of the Republic of Kenya;


CONSCIOUS that the conflict in the Sudan is the longest running conflict in Africa; that it has caused tragic loss of life, destroyed the infrastructure of the country, eroded its economic resources and caused suffering to the people of the Sudan;


MINDFUL of the urgent need to bring peace and security to the people of the Sudan who have endured this conflict for far too long;


AWARE of the fact that peace, stability and development are aspirations shared by all people of the Sudan;


IN PURSUANCE OF the commitment of the Parties to a negotiated settlement on the basis of a democratic system of governance which, on the one hand, recognizes the right of the people of Southern Sudan to self-determination and seeks to make unity attractive during the Interim Period, while at the same time is founded on the values of justice, democracy, good governance, respect for fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual, mutual understanding and tolerance of diversity within the realities of the Sudan;


RECORDING AND RECONFIRMING that in pursuance of this commitment the Parties duly reached agreement on the following texts: the Machakos Protocol, dated 20th July, 2002 which is set out in Chapter I of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA); the Agreement on Security Arrangements, dated 25th September, 2003 which is set out in Chapter VI of the CPA; the Agreement on Wealth Sharing, dated 7th January, 2004 which is set out in Chapter III of the CPA; the Protocol on Power Sharing, dated 26th May, 2004 which is set out in Chapter II of the CPA; the Protocol on the Resolution of the Conflict In Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile States, dated 26th May, 2004 which is set out in Chapter V of the CPA; and the Protocol on the Resolution of the Conflict in Abyei Area, dated 26th May, 2004 which is set out in Chapter IV of the CPA; and that the Security Council of the United Nations in its Resolution 1574 of 19th November, 2004, took note of these aforementioned Protocols and Agreements;


RECOGNIZING that the Parties have concluded an Agreement on a Permanent Ceasefire and Security Arrangements Implementation Modalities During the Pre-Interim and Interim Periods dated 31st December, 2004 which is set out in Annexure I of the CPA, within the Framework of the Agreement on Security Arrangements of 25th September, 2003;


FURTHER RECOGNIZING that the Parties have also concluded the Agreement on the Implementation Modalities of the Protocols and Agreements dated 31st December, 2004 which is set out in Annexure II of the CPA;


NOW HEREIN THE PARTIES JOINTLY ACKNOWLEDGE that the CPA offers not only hope but also a concrete model for solving problems and other conflicts in the country;


THE PARTIES FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE that the successful implementation of the CPA shall provide a model for good governance in the Sudan that will help create a solid basis to preserve peace and make unity attractive and therefore undertake to fully adhere to the letter and spirit of the CPA so as to guarantee lasting peace, security for all, justice and equality in the Sudan;



NOW THEREFORE, THE PARTIES AGREE, upon signing this Agreement, on the following:


(1)               The Pre-Interim Period shall commence, and all the obligations and commitments specified in the CPA shall be binding in accordance with the provisions thereof;


(2)               The CPA shall be comprised of the texts of the Protocols and Agreements already signed, together with this Chapeau, the Agreement on Permanent Ceasefire and Security Arrangements Implementation Modalities and its appendices as Annexure I and the Agreement on the Implementation Modalities and the Global Implementation Matrix and its appendices as Annexure II;


(3)               The agreed Arabic and English texts of the CPA shall both be official and authentic. However, in the event of a dispute regarding the meaning of any provision of the text, and only if there is a difference in meaning between the Arabic and English texts; the English text shall be authoritative as English was the language of the peace negotiations.


(4)               Upon compilation of the official and authentic Arabic and English texts of the CPA, the initialled copies of both texts shall be given to both Parties, and copies shall also be lodged with the United Nations, the African Union, IGAD Secretariat in Djibouti, the League of Arab States and the Republic of Kenya.


(5)               All persons performing governmental functions shall continue to do so at the place at which they render such services or perform such functions unless or until redeployed or alternative instructions are received in accordance with the arrangements agreed to by the Parties.

(6)               To establish such priority joint task teams, particularly the Joint National Transitional Team (JNTT), the Abyei Boundaries Commission (ABC), the Constitutional Task Team and the Joint Technical Team on “New National Currency” as required to facilitate and prepare for the operationalization of the Agreement once it is put into force;


(7)               To take the necessary steps to ensure the effective implementation of the Permanent Ceasefire;


(8)               To take such steps as are necessary to ensure that resources and funds are available for the establishment of the structures, bodies and institutions contemplated by the CPA especially the establishment of the Government of Southern Sudan;


THE PARTIES EXPRESS THEIR GRATITUDE for the persistent efforts of the Facilitators, the IGAD Member States, and the International Community in assisting the people of the Sudan to return to peace and stability, and in particular, to the African Union, IGAD Partners Forum, the United Nations, and the Governments of Italy, Norway, United Kingdom and the United States of America for their support for the IGAD Peace Initiative and their unwavering interest and consistent endeavours in support of the Peace Process; 


THE PARTIES JOINTLY APPEAL to the Regional and International Community and call on Organizations and States which have been requested to witness the signing of this Agreement to provide and affirm their unwavering support to the implementation of the CPA, and further appeal to them to avail resources for the necessary and urgent programmes and activities of the transition to peace as contemplated and agreed herein;


THE PARTIES RECOGNIZE the enormity of the tasks that lie ahead in successfully implementing the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and in signing below and before the witnesses here present, they reconfirm their commitment to implement the Comprehensive Peace Agreement fully and jointly.







______________________________            ____________________________   

H.E. Ali Osman Mohamed Taha                  Dr. John Garang de Mabior                                             

First Vice President of the Republic               Chairman of the Sudan

of the Sudan                                                    People’s Liberation Movement/Sudan

On behalf of the Government                         People’s Liberation Army

Of the Republic of the Sudan                         on behalf of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Sudan People’s Liberation Army










______________________                            _______________________________

H.E. Hon. Mwai Kibaki                                 H.E. Hon. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni

President of the Republic of Kenya                   President of the Republic of Uganda

On behalf of the IGAD                                     On Behalf of IGAD Member States

Sub-Committee on the Sudan







                                    H.E. Mr. Ahmed Aboul Gheit

                                    Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs

On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Egypt






                                    Senator Alfredo Mantica

Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs

On behalf of the Government of Italy



                                    H.E Mr. Fred Racke

Special Envoy of the Netherlands

On behalf of the Royal Kingdom of the Netherlands





                                    H.E. Ms. Hilde F. Johnson

Minister of International Development

On behalf of the Royal Norwegian Government






Right  Hon. Hilary Benn, M.P.

Secretary of State for International Development

On behalf of the United Kingdom  and Northern Ireland






                                    Mr. Colin L. Powell

United States Secretary of State

On behalf of the United States of America






                                    H.E. Mr. Alpha Oumar Konare

Chairperson of the African Union

On behalf of the African Union






                                    Hon. Charles Goerens

                                    Minister of Development Co-operation of Netherlands

On behalf of the European Union






____________________________________            ____________________________

H.E. Ms. Hilde F. Johnson                                       Senator Alfredo Mantica

Minister of International Development               Deputy Minister for foreign Affairs On behalf of the IGAD Partners Forum (IPF)                                 On behalf of the IGAD Partners Forum (IPF)









H.E Mr. Amre Moussa

Secretary General of the League of Arab States

On behalf of the League of Arab States







                                    H.E. Mr. Jan Pronk

                                    Special Representative of the Secretary General in the Sudan

                                    On behalf of the United Nations




[1] The issue of nomenclature will be resolved in the power sharing agreement.

* This is the full text of the proposal entitled “Principles of Agreement on Abyei,” presented by US Special Envoy Senator John Danforth to H.E. First Vice President Ali Osman Mohamed Taha and SPLM/A Chairman Dr. John Garang on the 19th March, 2004.  The Parties hereby declare to adopt these Principles as the basis for the resolution of Abyei Conflict.

[2] The name of the State shall be settled before the conclusion of the Peace Agreement by a committee representing the State formed by the two Parties.

[3] Export shall be valued at the actual Free On Board (FOB) export price and oil delivered to the refineries shall be valued at the average FOB export price of the last calendar month.