إرشادات مقترحات البحث معلومات خط الزمن الفهارس الخرائط الصور الوثائق الأقسام

مقاتل من الصحراء


مجموعة مختارة من الوثائق القانونية والتاريخية والجغرافية التي قدمت لمحكمة التحكيم لتأييد وجهة النظر المصرية
(تابع) المرفق رقم (10) ترجمة أعدتها مصر في أغسطس 1987 لاتفاق 1906 من التركية إلى الإنجليزية
"وزارة الخارجية المصرية، الكتاب الأبيض عن قضية طابا، القاهرة، 1989، ص 173 - 177"

Egypt's Counter-Memorial

Translation Into English
The official Turkish text of the Turco-Egyptian
Boundary Agreement of 1906

          This is the AGREEMENT, signed and exchanged at RAFAH on (13 Shaban, 1324; 18th Ailul, 1322) 1st October, 1906, between the Commissioners of the TURKISH SULTANATE and the Commissioners of the EGYPTIAN KHEDIVIATE, concerning the fixing of a SEPARATING ADMINISTRATIVE LINE between the Villayet of HEJAZ and Gouvernorate of JERUSALEM, and the SINAI PENINSULA.

          El Miralai-Staff Officer Ahmed Muzaffer Bey and El Bimbashi Staff Officer Mohamed Fahmi Bey as Commissioners of the TURKISH SULTANATE, and Emir el Lewa Ibrahim Fathi Pasha and El Miralai R.C.R Owen Bey as Commissioners of the EGYPTIAN KHEDIVIATE, having been entrusted with the delimitation of the ADMINISTRATIVE SEPARATING LINE between the Villayet of HEJAZ and the SINAI PENINSULA, have, in the name of the TURKISH SULTANATE and the EGYPTIAN KHEDIVIATE, agreed as follows.


          The Separating Line, as shown on map attached to this AGREEMENT, begins at Ras Taba on the western shore of the GULF OF AKABA and extends to the summit of the mountain called JEBEL FORT, passing by the summits of the mountains lying east of and overlooking WADI TABA, and from the summit of JEBEL FORT the Separating Line extends by straight lines as follows:

          From JEBEL FORT to a point not exceeding two hundred metres to the east of the summit of JEBEL FATHI PASHA, thence to that point which is formed by the intersection of a prolongation of this line with a perpendicular line drawn from a point two hundred metres measured from the summit of JEBEL FATHI PASHA along the line drawn from the centre of the summit of that hill to MOFRAK POINT (the MOFRAK is the junction of the GAZA- AKABA roads). From this point of intersection to the hill east of and overlooking THAMILET EL RADADI -place where there is water- so that the THAMILA (or water) remains west of the LINE, thence to the summit of RAS RADADI marked on the above mentioned map as A. 3., thence to summit of JEBEL SAFRA marked as A. 4., thence to summit of eastern peak of UM GUF marked as A. 5., thence to that point marked as A. 7. north of THAMILET SUEILMA thence to that point marked as A. 8. on west-north-west of JEBEL SEMAUI, thence to summit of hill west-north-west of BIR MAGHARA (which is the well in the Northern branch of the WADI MA YEIN, leaving that well east of the SEPARATING LINE)
