إرشادات مقترحات البحث معلومات خط الزمن الفهارس الخرائط الصور الوثائق الأقسام

مقاتل من الصحراء



Let me say -- everyone sit down. We have to hurry because the hour is growing late and it's almost Shabbat, huh? I have to say one thing, very quickly. We have three men of peace here who have extraordinary military backgrounds. We have many others here. I want to mention two who came with Prime Minister Netanyahu -- General Sharon and General Mordechai. We're glad to have you here.

And I say that because I want you to understand a piece of history. This table was brought to this house in 1869 by one of America's greatest military leaders, Ulysses Grant, who revolutionized infantry warfare in our Civil War. One hundred years ago, this table was used to sign the peace treaty between the United States and Spain. And for 100 years, this table, brought here by one of our greatest warriors, has been the exclusive repository of our peace agreements -- the one we signed with Your Majesty, King Hussein, on this table; President Kennedy's test ban treaty, signed on this table.

And so I think it is fitting that these three great leaders -- two signers; one, His Majesty, observing -- who know a great deal about war, have come to make peace on this table which, for our country, has come to embody it. And we thank them.

Thank you very much.
